Thursday, April 28, 2016

Loaner Equipment Funding Decisions from 4/22/2016 Meeting

Our discussion on Friday, April 22nd was an important one. Due to numerous local departmental laptop loan requests, in addition to the CLA centralized loaner pool request from LATIS, we needed to have a common understanding with which to move forward in regards to loaner pool items in the Infrastructure for Learning plans.

Our decision was as follows:

We will strongly consider funding the LATIS proposal as it pertains to the centralized loaner equipment. This will allow us to limit or choose to grant no funding for loaner pool equipment components of individual departmental plans, but will instead point the departments to the newly outfitted CLA Equipment Checkout service. We do this with the understanding that Rarig is not a convenient location for East Bank departments, in particular, and support the idea of at least one East Bank checkout location. We hope this will be addressed by LATIS and CLA Administration, but understand that, as the Infrastructure for Learning Plan Review Committee, that is not for us to decide.

We were also agreed that instructional use does serve students and therefore may be appropriate use of student fees funding through the Infrastructure for Learning program.